About us
Natif, the short story

The aim of NATIF association is to facilitate the integration of non-French speaking people in the Gers, in particular through the teaching of the French language and culture.
In 2003, the founders of the association noticed that for several years the department of Gers had seen an increase in the number of non-French-speaking foreigners but that there were very few structures that could allow them to quickly acquire French, in order to ease their integration. It is to address this need that the NATIF association was created on September 26, 2003 in Auch, a traveling organization for teaching French to foreigners meeting 3 objectives :
Develop educational and cultural activity in rural areas.
Promote the integration of individuals in situations of exclusion (due to the language barrier).
Create jobs.
Our first year was devoted to gauging the feasibility study of the project, we surveyed possible audiences and needs, and met with the various potential partners.
The activity, the first courses started in September 2004.
The association was declared a training organization specializing in French as a Foreign Language and literacy in 2006.
As of 2011, NATIF has been subsidized to offer additional teaching in French as a foreign language and in literacy for newcomers who have signed a CIR (Republican Integration Contract) and refugees.
In 2015, we joined the city contract signed for the “Grand Garros” district and received a subsidy to support allophone people in the district in their learning of French. .
That same year, NATIF was approved as a TCF (French Knowledge Tests) exam center by France Éducation International, under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education.
In 2018, two of the trainers obtained their certification as examiners-correctors for the DELF (diploma in French language studies) and DALF (advanced diploma in the French language).
Along with its training activity, NATIF, since 2013, has been accompanying its learners to a selection of shows and films in order to introduce them to French art and culture. These cultural outings are made possible thanks to a partnership with CIRCA and Ciné 32.
Currently, NATIF offers training in different municipalities in the department and has developed distance training, following the COVID crisis, but also to address the issue of mobility for certain people.
Learners are between the age of 16 and 80, and are either :
adults in a personal training process,
adults in the process of improving the language for professional needs,
unaccompanied foreign minors (unaccompanied minors)
employees of IAE companies (Integration through economic activity),
wishing to improve their French skills in order to take a TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français) to apply for a French resident or naturalization card or to enroll in postgraduate training.
An association Law 1901
The NATIF association is a non-profit association under the 1901 law.
That is, its heads are volunteers. The money collected by payment for training and grants is only used to pay for trainers, teaching materials, rooms and all other expenses related to the functioning of the organization.
A training body
The pedagogical team

Camille Hormain
FLE and LITERACY trainer
Has been working at Natif since 2024
- Diplôme d’Aptitude à l’Enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère in 2015 – CNED and Alliance française d’Ile de France
- MASTER 1 Didactics of Languages – French as a Foreign Language in 2023 – University of Angers
Professional experience
- FLE courses in language schools in Peru – 2015/2016
- FSL teacher in secondary schools in Peru – 2017
- Freelance FLE trainer in Paris area 2018/2020
- Facilitator of multilingualism awareness workshops in schools (DULALA association) – 2019/2020
- FLE trainer at REGAR, in the Gers – 2020/2022
- FLE and LITERACY trainer for NATIF in 2022 and since September 2024
I know how to :
- Identify wild plants
- Take my time
- Mix French and Spanish in the same sentence
I do not know how to :
- Dance
- Not reading the end of a book before starting it

Chantal Johnson-Nicolaï
FLE and LITERACY trainer
Has been working at Natif since 2006
- Literacy trainer diploma
Professional experience
- Literacy courses for young adults in Benin
- Creation and management of a nursery school in Benin
- Trainer in French as a Foreign Language and in English as a Second Language in North Carolina, United States, for the High Commission for Refugees
- Trainer in French as a Foreign Language and in French as a Language of Integration at the Natif association since September 2006
I know how to :
- Convince people
- Knit scarves
- Do nothing
I do not know how to :
- Endure stupidity
- Tidy

Roseline Pagès
FLE trainer – TCF examiner
Has been working at Natif since 2005
- MASTER I in Modern Letters (University of Toulouse II, Le Mirail//Jean Jaurès), teaching at the University of St Andrews, Scotland within the framework of Erasmus.
- MASTER I in French as a Foreign Language at the University of Toulouse II, Le Mirail//Jean Jaurès
Professional experience
- Professor at the French Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria
- Professor at Nova Schol, distance education center in Osaka, Japan
- Instructor at NATIF since 2005 and examiner authorized by France Education International for the French language studies diploma (DELF), the advanced French language diploma (DALF) ans the French knowledge test (TCF).
I know how to :
- Change a wheel
- Do two things at the same time
- Sing off key
I do not know how to :
- Not blush when I am stopped by the police
- Appreciate cheese, except Kiri
- Whisper in the ears of horses

Nadège Pambrun
FLE trainer – TCF examiner – Administrative manager
Has been working at Natif since 2004
- MASTER I en Modern Letters (Comparative Literature), at the University of Toulouse II, Le Mirail//Jean Jaurès
- MASTER I in French as a Foreign Language at Stendhal University, Grenoble II
Professional experience
- Teacher in Nice (France Langue School)
- FLE speaker at Salinis college, Auch
- Trainer at NATIF since September 2004 and examiner-corrector authorized by France Education International for the French language studies diploma (DELF), the advanced French language diploma (DALF) and the French knowledge test (TCF)
I know how to :
- Write backwards with my left hand
- Cook without scales
I do not know how to :
- Walk on my hands
- Tell my left from my right
- Keep my good resolutions
Contact us
A question about our training courses, our TCF exams?
Fill in the form below, or contact us directly by email or telephone.

13 Boulevard Roquelaure
32000 Auch
05 62 63 45 16
06 83 53 99 27