Natif – TCF and French courses in the Gers

You are a foreigner, you wish to learn French, to improve your level to integrate ? Natif will help you learn the language, from literacy to level C1, and will enable you to take the TCF exam that corresponds to your objectives.

Certify your level in French

Learn French

Train for your goal

Take your TCF with Natif

The TCF (Test de Connaissance en Français) is a test to verify the level of competence in the French language. It is harmonised on the scale of the 6 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2).

Since 2015, NATIF has been approved by France Education International to administer the TCF in the Gers, welcoming candidates from all over the South West of France.

Learn French

To speak and write French is to integrate !

With Natif, you will not only learn to communicate in French but you will also discover the keys to understanding the news, culture, history and traditions of our society.

Our different courses 

You can access the courses regardless of your age, your nationality, your gender, your level, your place of residence. Natif offers face-to-face group FLE (French as a Foreign Language) courses in different towns of the Gers department or online and literacy workshops.

Depending on your preferences and availability, you can take a course wherever you are !

Face-to-face group courses

Online courses

Courses adapted to your level

Discover our tailor-made courses

French in a click ! Make your organisation easier with this 100% online training and benefit from individual courses with dynamic and relevant content. We will establish together the programme of your course so that it corresponds exactly to your needs (general French or French for specific purposes or preparation for the TCF). From level A2.


I had a very pleasant experience at Natif. The women are welcoming and patient, which made my exam day less stressful.


Auch- TCF August 2024

Again this year, this course has enriched my life in France. Without it, I’d still be pedalling in the doldrums. I really enjoy our exchanges. Thank you for everything! Don’t ever retire!


FLE Training - July 2024

I don’t know if our life in France would have been as pleasant without Natif. Merci!


FLE Training - July 2024

Our results

Take the TCF

Since September, 2022, 100% of candidates who answered our surveys say they are "globally satisfied" (79.3% say they are "very satisfied") to have taken their TCF with NATIF.  August 2023 - 31 questionnaires


are "very satisfied" with the ease of registration and the answers to their questions


say they are "very satisfied" with the reception and conditions for taking the exam in our premises

Our trainings:

Learn French

In 2022-2023, we welcomed 190 trainees. What did they think of their training with NATIF? (data from 42 returned satisfaction questionnaires- August 2023)

General satisfaction


of trainees say they are "very satisfied" with their training taken during the year 2022-2023

Educational approach


of our trainees gave us a grade of 6/6 (rated from 1=not al all happy to 6=very satisfied)

Skills improvement


of our trainees felt that their training improved their French skills

Tailor-made training

In 2022-2023, we welcomed our 4 first trainees for tailor-made training (2 for FLE training, 2 other for PREPA IRN training). They appreciated their personalised training and expressed their satisfaction. (data from 2 returned satisfaction questionnaires- August 2023)

General satisfaction


of trainees say they are "very satisfied" with their training taken during the year 2022-2023

Educational approach


of our trainees gave us a grade of 6/6 (rated from 1=not al all happy to 6=very satisfied)

Relevance of the curriculum


considered the programme to be appropriate, stating that they were "very satisfied".

Successful of the TCF objectif B1


1 trainee received / 1 trainee trained

Successful of the TCF objectif A2


0 trainee received / 1 trainee trained


Pour fermer

Can we start training at any time of the year ?

Yes ! After having carried out a placement test, we will suggest that you join the group most suited to your level.

How does a class take place with Natif ?

Our classes aim to develop your comprehension and expression skills. Multiple and varied tools enable you to speak and understand everyday French ? We also work on your writing ability through newspaper articles, authentic documents such as letters, invitations… We’re offering not only a training to get communication tools in French but also keys to understand French society.

How are the groups formed ?

Groups are comprised of interns with the same level of different nationalities and available to all ages (from 16 years old to 99 years old!).

Contact us

A question about our training courses, our TCF exams?
Fill in the form below, or contact us directly by email or telephone.

10 + 12 =

13 Boulevard Roquelaure
32000 Auch

05 62 63 45 16

06 83 53 99 27