Tailor-made training

Mastering French is a necessity in many professional, administrative or personal projects. NATIF offers you tailor-made training tailored around your needs and has your goals as a finality.

If you want to prepare for an exam such as the TCF or for an interview, develop your French skills in a specific area (sales, hotels, health, etc.), we will be able to support you and offer you a training program that suits your personal and/or professional needs.

If your employees need to be trained in French as a Foreign Language (FLE) or in French for Specific Objectives (FOS), are in a situation of illiteracy, we will jointly develop a training program that will allow them to promptly improve their skills, an asset for your business.

Our organization has obtained Qualiopi certification in July 2021 for training courses, you can therefore request funding from your OPCO (Competence Operators) for the training of your staff member on the company’s training plan or, if it is a personal process, forrequest the payment of the training on your CPF (Personal Training Account).

Needs assessment

Our training courses are personalized. They integrate welcoming, setting your level, following up, end of term assessment, educational activities. 

Any request for training will begin with a personalization process in order to define the trainee’s profile, their needs and establish a program (analysis of the context in which the training project takes place, identification of the objectives to be pursued in terms of knowledge, know-how, interpersonal skills, definition of the duration of the training …)

This interview, which includes a language assessment, can be done remotely or within our office in Auch depending on your preferences.

These preparatory steps will allow us to define tailor-made training programs and methods, in accordance with the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).


Please contact us for any specific request or clarification you may need (scheduling, special needs…)

Our accessibility policy for people with disabilities can be consulted on our website or at our office.

Our results

Tailor-made training

In 2022-2023, we welcomed our 4 first trainees for tailor-made training (2 for FLE training, 2 other for PREPA IRN training). They appreciated their personalised training and expressed their satisfaction. (data from 2 returned satisfaction questionnaires- August 2023)

General satisfaction


of trainees say they are "very satisfied" with their training taken during the year 2022-2023

Educational approach


of our trainees gave us a grade of 6/6 (rated from 1=not al all happy to 6=very satisfied)

Relevance of the curriculum


considered the programme to be appropriate, stating that they were "very satisfied".

Successful of the TCF objectif B1


1 trainee received / 1 trainee trained

Successful of the TCF objectif A2


0 trainee received / 1 trainee trained

Our training


Prepare and take the TCF IRN

You wish to apply for a Resident card or French nationality and must certify or your level in French. To understand the expectations of this exam and to prepare you as well as possible for the written and oral tests, we offer you this 100% remote individual training course led by an experienced course convenor, graduate, native and accredited for certification by France Éducation International.


  • Libellé de la certification : TCF IRN

  • Code RS: RS6643

  • Nom du certificateur:  France Education international

  • Date d’enregistrement de la certification : 31/05/2024


  • Know the TCF
  • Practice
  • Understand your mistakes thanks to individualized corrections by the trainer-examiner


  • Validation of the level required by the trainer based on a linguistic evaluation
  • Have a computer equipped with a camera and a reliable Internet connection

Evaluation procedures

TCF IRN certificate


Registration possible throughout the year.

Access deadline

Contact us.


  • Presentation of the TCF IRN exam on a computer (type of test, expected skills, questions and answers) (1 hour)
  • Mock written test in full autonomy (30 mins)
  • Custom corrections via email
  • Mock oral test and personalized video-conference correction // advice and recommendations (30 mins)


(Including the 2-hour preparation and the TCF IRN exam at our premises for 2 hours, i.e. 4 hours): €300

The training is payable in advance. Once the payment has been made, we will plan the schedule of activities together.

This training is eligible for the CPF

Obtaining the TCF IRN consists of validating the 4 compulsory tests/skills at the targeted level (A1 or A2 or B1)


Get up to speed and take the TCF IRN for Nationality

You are between level A2 and B1 in FLE. You need to review and strengthen your French skills before taking the TCF exam for the acquisition of French nationality. We offer two training courses:

– short training of 10 sessions of 1 hour,

– in-depth training of 20 one-hour sessions.

You will be trained via video-conference with an experienced trainer, graduate, native and accredited for certification by France Éducation International. You will consolidate your achievements thanks to independent work.

Any request for training will begin with an analysis of your needs through an evaluation. We will then design program allowing you to strengthen the skills necessary for the TCF IRN (describe, tell, give your opinion …) both orally and in writing. We will establish the calendar of activities according to your availability.

PREPA IRN 10H ou 20H

  • Libellé de la certification : TCF IRN

  • Code RS: RS6021

  • Nom du certificateur:  France Education international

  • Date d’enregistrement de la certification : 01/06/2022


  • Know the TCF
  • Revise and reinforce the basics (grammar – lexicon – communicative know-how)
  • Train for the tests
  • Understand your mistakes thanks to the individualized correction of the trainer-examiner


  • Have a TCF A2 or be assessed A2 by our trainer during the initial assessment
  • Have a computer equipped with a camera and a reliable Internet connection

Evaluation procedures

TCF IRN certificate


Registration possible throughout the year.

Access deadline

Contact us.


  • Presentation of the TCF IRN exam on a computer (type of test, expected skills, questions and answers)
  • Module for rreviewing expected skills during the TCF
  • Autonomous work
  • Training activities
  • Custom correction of productions
  • Mock oral and written test


– short course (including 10 hours of preparation and the TCF IRN test at our premises for 2 hours, i.e. 12 hours): 860€.

– advanced course (including 20 hours of preparation and the TCF IRN exam at our premises for 2 hours, i.e. 22 hours): 1460€.

The course is payable in advance. Once the payment is made, we will plan together the schedule of activities.


This training is eligible for the CPF.

Obtaining the TCF IRN consists of validating the 4 compulsory tests/skills at the targeted level (A1 or A2 or B1).


French as a Foreign Language - Specific objective

A dynamic 100% online course meeting your needs to develop your skills in French in general or in a professional or specific field.

You prefer to learn French in private lessons or you need to develop specific skills in French (expressing yourself in writing, French for tourism, etc.). We will design your training course together.

In addition, lessons are planned according to your schedule and are therefore flexible.


During the interview and the initial assessment, we will determine the objectives of the training in accordance with the CEFR programs and we will offer you alternating video conferencing sequences (led by an experienced, qualified and native French speaker trainer) and work sequences in autonomy.

Evaluation procedures

Training certificate ; on request TCF



Registration possible throughout the year. Duration and pace to be determined according to the training objectives and your availability.


Contact us for any details or specific needs regarding access to this training. (Hours, specific arrangements, handicap…)


5 hours 10 hours 15 hours More hours ?
300€ 550€ 750€ Consult us
Package to be used within 3 months of registration.

Registration fee: 20€ (initial assessment 10€ + annual membership 10€)

The training is payable in advance. Once the payment has been made, we will plan the sessions together.

Other modalities can be considered.


I took a FLE training course on a specific objective with Natif. The quality of the speakers, the tools and activities offered gave me great satisfaction. The explanations, the exercises, the scenarios were constructive. In short, I am satisfied!


Mirande, FLE training - Specific objective

I am very happy with the revisions, the homework and the time taken to explain the logic of the French language… The trainer took the time, with good preparation, with specific attention to my needs. Also the tools for doing the remote sessions are very efficient and not complicated.


Auch, Training Get up to speed and take the TCF IRN

I really enjoyed my course and achieved my goal with Nadège’s help.


Training Get up to speed and take the TCF IRN


Pour fermer

What is CPF ?

This is the old DIF (Individual Right to Training) and targets employees who would like to finance their training. For more details, see the gouvernement website.

Which training to choose to prepare for the TCF ?

Are you hesitating between the 2-hour training course and the 10-hour or 20-hour refresher courses? Contact us. We will discuss your skills together and determine how to best meet your needs and then make our suggestion.

Contact us

A question about our training courses, our TCF exams?
Fill in the form below, or contact us directly by email or telephone.

7 + 4 =

13 Boulevard Roquelaure
32000 Auch


05 62 63 45 16

06 83 53 99 27