Learn French

French lessons for everyone

You are not French-speaking and you want to learn French or improve your skills. Our French courses are open to you: regardless of your age (16 to 99), your nationality, your gender, your level, your place of residence. NATIF offers face-to-face or online FLE (French as a Foreign Language) courses and literacy workshops. Our courses are taught by qualified, experienced and native speakers. Depending on your level and on your choice of training, you can learn French entirely from the comfort of your home or in a classroom in Auch, Mirande, Marciac, Lupiac… The timelots will be indicated to you once the training course has been defined. If you would like to register or meet us for more information, please make an appointment.

Learn with Natif

Learning French takes on its full meaning when you want to socialize, find a job or be able to fill out administrative papers, for example. Taking courses with NATIF will allow you to acquire the keys to living in France and integrating to your local community. Indeed, our lessons are centered on everyday French, the language of communication. You will acquire the necessary tools and cultural codes to successfully socialize and interact in all daily situations: in a store, with friends, at the doctor, in a meeting…

I find it difficult to choose just one aspect, but perhaps I’d say the range of aspects of French life and culture that we study. At the same time as learning the language, you discover French life, which makes it easier to integrate into French-speaking society.

Richard - July 2024

Each learning journey begins in September and ends in June. A full year of training with NATIF corresponds to 68 hours of learning, but our training is permanent entry and exit. You can start at any time of the year and take 1, 2 or 3 modules over 3, 5 or 10 months. Access to our courses takes just one month.

Another strong point of our training is that you will always be placed within a group of your level (from literacy to FLE C1). Learning French is a gradual process. Step by step, you will acquire essential tools for expressing and understanding French. For example, a beginner trainee (A1) in FLE will know at the end of the training how to introduce themselves and/or their family while an advanced trainee (C1) will learn to participate in a debate or understand broadcasts dealing with social issues.


Please contact us for any specific request or clarification you may need (scheduling, special needs…) Our accessibility policy for people with disabilities can be consulted on our website or at our office.

Our results

Learn French

In 2023-2024, we welcomed 118 trainees. What did they think of their training with NATIF? (data from 47 returned satisfaction questionnaires- August 2024)

General satisfaction


of trainees say they are "very satisfied" with their training taken during the year 2023-2024

Educational approach


of our trainees gave us a grade of 6/6 (rated from 1=not al all happy to 6=very satisfied)

Skills improvement


considered that their training had improved their French skills, giving us scores ranging from 4/6 to 6/6

Discover the proposed levels

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Literacy : Learning to read and write.

  • Acquire the movement of writing.

  • Master the alphabet.

  • Read and recognize the different writing styles (handwritten-printed-upper case-lower case).

  • Recognize and write numbers and numbers in letters.

Infra A1 : improve reading and writing skills.

  • Interact in situations of communication about oneself and one’s daily habits.

  • Acquire the basic structures of French (affirmative, negative, interrogative forms, gender, etc.).

  • Identify the grammatical elements of the sentence (subject, verb, complement).

  • Identify verbs in the usual tenses of the indicative.

A1 : discovering French.

The trainee will be able to understand and use familiar and everyday expressions as well as very simple statements aimed at meeting concrete needs. They can introduce themselves or someone and ask a person questions about them (place of residence, relationships, what belongs to them …). They can answer the same type of questions and communicate in a simple way if the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly and is cooperative.

Tasks or activities :

  • Introduce yourself
  • Introduce someone
  • Talk about their daily activities
  • Organize an outing
  • Register for a leisure activity…

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A2 : aiming for the basics of the language.

The trainee will be able to understand isolated sentences and frequently used expressions in relation to areas of the daily environment (personal or family information, shopping, work). They will be able to communicate during simple and usual tasks requiring only a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and common topics. They will be able to describe with simple means their training, their immediate environment and talk about familiar and ordinary subjects, discuss topics that correspond to immediate needs.

Tasks or activities :

  • Describing someone
  • Talking about their work
  • Shopping
  • Describing their accommodation
  • Explaining a health problem…

B1 : efficient though limited language skills.

The learner will be able to understand the essential points of a discussion when clear and standard language is used and if these are familiar things at work, at school, at recreation, etc. They will be autonomous in most situations encountered while traveling. They will be able to produce a simple and coherent speech on familiar topics and in his / her areas of interest. They will be able to relate an event, an experience or a dream, describe a hope or a goal and briefly state reasons or explanations for a project or an idea.

Tasks or activities :

  • Organize and manage difficulties during a trip
  • Tell an anecdote
  • Describe a project
  • Ask and give explanations

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B2 : general and spontaneous language.

The trainee will understand the essential content of concrete or abstract subjects in a complex text, including a technical discussion in his / her specialty. They will be able to communicate spontaneously and easily with a native speaker. They will express himself in a clear and detailed manner on a wide range of subjects, give an opinion on a topical subject and explain the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities without having to search too much for his words. They will be able to use the language efficiently and flexibly in social, professional or academic life and will be able to express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner.

Tasks or activities :

  • Understanding newsletterrs or interviews
  • Taking a stand in a debate, in a formal letter
  • Defending your point of view…

C1 : excellent mastershift of the language.

The learner will be able to understand long and demanding texts and grasp implicit meanings. Words should come up spontaneously and fluently. They will use the language efficiently and flexibly in social, professional or academic life and will express themselves on complex subjects in a clear and well-structured manner.

Tasks or activities : 

  • Understanding TV shows or films
  • Reading long literacy or factual texts
  • Presenting, developing and defending your point of view…

The different courses

Depending on your preferences and availability, you can follow :

Face-to-face lessons

Depending on your place of residence and your level, we can offer you a collective training of 2 hours per week in Auch, Lupiac, Marciac, Mirande.

Choosing face-to-face means having the pleasure of meeting in class for a course where words and actions have their place. This creates a unique atmosphere with more spontaneous exchanges, more frequent and more natural group activities.

The face-to-face lessons are magnificent, very dynamic with a very interesting pedagogy.

Belen - July 2022

Online courses

Each week, meet your group via videoconference for 1h30 (+30 minutes of self study) of dynamic and progressive learning accompanied by the notes of the lesson. Online classes save you time ! Learn French from wherever you are and don’t waste time traveling to the classroom : we bring French to your home !

The great point of this training is the course notes. The trainer will send you, following the lesson, the grammar points, the lexicon, the details of the expressions and communication situation studied during the class enriched with information, examples, links to understand everything.

During lessons, the trainer types explanatory notes while talking to the students. I particularly appreciate this aspect because it confirms what I hear (…). I can also revise the notes after each lesson if I wish.

Térésa - July 2022

How much do we charge?

The monthly fee for our group courses is €75.

For employees or micro-entrepreneurs, funding is available through your company’s OPCO or through your CPF.

Training is organised in modules of 3, 5 or 10 months. You can choose the duration according to your possibilities and needs. You can consult our offers on moncompteformation.gouv.fr or contact us for further details.

If you signed the CIR less than 5 years ago or if you live in one of the streets in the Garros district covered by the Contrat de Ville, you may be eligible for a subsidy. Please contact us for details.

All participants must pay a €20 registration fees to join the association and for their initial assessment.

Course conditions

Each level group is made up of a maximum of eight people face-to-face or six for remote groups in order to allow everyone to express themselves and learn in the best possible conditions.

Classes always begin with a little casual conversation, time to warm up and feel comfortable and ease into the day’s topic.

At the rate of 2 hours a week face-to-face or 1 hour 30 minutes online +30 minutes of self study, you will have the pleasure of learning French in all its aspects :



Through oral and/or written scenarios



Through exercises and re-employment situations



By enriching your vocabulary in various fields


By discovering great historical figures, rites and traditions…

For me it’s the variety and flexibility of the lessons. Everyone has the opportunity to participate and that makes it interesting for me. Roseline skilfully manages all this to achieve the objectives of the course.

Maggie - July 2024

You will be able to access your group’s virtual room, the Padlet, from where you want, when you want to find the tools used during the session, the multimedia resources of the lesson, complementary activities for a work in complementary autonomy.

I am very impressed with how the trainer has put the material together in a very organized way on the Padlet. It is very clearly structured. I appreciate all the support material, such as songs and self-correction exercises to reinforce our learning.


The trainer ensures throughout the training of the correct acquisition of the different skills of each learner by reviews, written and oral role-playing exercises. They will be given a training report and a final training certificate.

Our educational library can be consulted in our premises, 13 Boulevard Roquelaure 32000 Auch. Contact us to make an appointment.

Prerequistes, assessment and registration

You can start your training at any time of the year. You will first be assessed to determine your needs and goals. There are no prerequisites for literacy workshops. For FLE courses, trainees must be literate in their mother tongue.

The assessment can be done according to your preferences remotely or at the NATIF office in Auch. We will assess your oral expression during a 15-minute interview, then you will complete a questionnaire to establish your command of the language as well as your level of oral comprehension and written expression. All our FLE courses are based on the CEFR levels.

Once your level has been determined and your objectives established, we will offer you a suitable course. Often, you will be able to start your training within 8 days of completing the contract and receiving your welcome booklet.

A team at your service

The association’s 4 trainers are all trained, experienced and native French speakers. Thanks to their pedagogical approach, their training program will allow you to develop your French skills. Do not hesitate to discuss your expectations and needs with them and they will take them into account and respond to them.

To find out more about the association, read the little story of NATIF.


The best thing about the course? Knowledge of French society, because I live in France. Also Listening comprehension because I keep getting confused between what I think I heard and what was said.

Angela - juillet 2024

What I appréciate? The complete immersion in the French language during the lesson

The training has been first class and I have felt supported every step even though the course has been challenging for me.

Carole - July 2023


NATIF is a unique place to discover all the various sections of France, while we learn their language. I find the teachers modern, open and generous while I struggle with my memory! We have enough grammar but the emphasis is placed on practice and errors are gently corrected. I highly recommend to anyone who wants to explore French life and language.

Nicola- July 2022


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How much does the initial assessment cost ?

To start your training with NATIF or to resume lessons with us after an interruption, the evaluation is mandatory and you will be charged 10 euros.

How much does the training cost ?

When you register, you will have to pay for the association membership which is 10 euros.

The monthly rate is 75 euros.

For employees or micro-entrepreneurs, financing is available through your company’s OPCO or via your CPF.

If you have signed a CIR for less than 5 years or if you live in one of the streets of the Town Contract in the Garros district, you may benefit from a subsidy. Contact us.

Do I need specific material to participate in the courses ?

For face-to-face training, you do not need any material. We will provide you with all the necessary documents.

For distance learning, you will need a computer and a reliable internet connection. Before training starts, we will do a trial run to test it.

How are the programs established ?

Once your level has been determined, we will offer you a program that meets your needs and meets the objectives established by the CEFR (the Common European Framework of References for Languages).

Can we start training at any time of the year ?

Yes ! After having carried out a placement test, we will suggest that you join the group most suited to your level.

Contact us

A question about our training courses, our TCF exams?
Fill in the form below, or contact us directly by email or telephone.

13 + 11 =

13 Boulevard Roquelaure
32000 Auch


05 62 63 45 16

06 83 53 99 27